It's been over a month since I last blogged about anything. Since my last post I have been to New Zealand to visit family and take part in an off road marathon called the
Motatapu, I will post the obligatory race photo on my next post (once I have purchased one, lols) and I have moved from Texas. So where do you live now I can hear you ask, well, I (we) will soon be living on our yacht once all the painting has been finished that is. The yacht is at the moment on a hard standing in the British Virgin Islands. I haven't as yet been able to do any crafting or much of anything as I'm unable to get at my supplies that are tucked away on the yacht. Hopefully by the middle of next month we'll be more settled and able to get on with life. As it stands right at the moment we are in a bit of a holding pattern, we are waiting for work to be finished on the yacht, then we're waiting for a time slot to launch the yacht and then we're waiting to get our cat out of the cattery back in Texas and over to the BVIs. Then we can sling our hook as the saying goes and get on with our plans.
We have two great family sayings and they are, "hurry up and wait" and "the only thing constant is change", these two sayings pretty much sum up the whole of my married life and my Scrubby will totally understand what I'm saying even if no-one else does. Oh my, I have an insider joke, I never thought I would get to the point in my life where me and Scrubby would have an insider joke, lols. It'll be 27 years married this April I can't believe that either, where did the years go? And talking of going, I have to go now because I am running out of battery power and I'm not on shore power here so I'm charging my computer battery from boat batteries, that's just one of the joys of living on board a yacht.
Keep well