I took part in a 5K road race on July 4th and what a muggers fuddle I made of it too. I ran 13 miles on the Saturday before and ran the race on the Monday, well I was still dehydrated from the Saturday when I ran on the Monday and screwed up any chance I had of placing in my age group by stopping to drink water, not once but twice, I mean, come on get real, it's only 3 miles and I can run that without fluids any other time.
Any hoo...
What is done is done and I ran the race in 25:53 with an average pace of 8:21, I placed 282/1321 overall and in my age/gender placing I came 4/54.
So here is quite a gruesome picture of me running towards the finish line and I have to admit that I struggled a little bit, but I did beat the guy beside me to the finish line and I have 20 years on him *blinks*.

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