Monday, February 13, 2017

Catching Up #29Faces

G'day Crafty Chums

The best laid plans of mice and men, the road to hell is littered with good intentions and other stuff like that lols. I have a few more pictures of faces to share and a link to a video post. Good or bad I share them all lols.

Whimsical Face: Water Colour ATC

Mermaid: Water Colour ATC

Woman: Water Colour ATC

That's a link to my YT channel. 

Until Next Time
Keep Well
Nicky =^.^=


  1. Hi there! How are you? Fabulous faces. I think I like 'woman' the best although they are all wonderful. Great to see you back in blog land. I've been taking a break too due to my health but hope to be blogging again soon. Debra x

    1. Hi Debra, yes long time no post. I'm trying to get back into it now I'm in New Zealand again. I need to schedule myself lols.
      I hope you feel better soon.
